Surely you can't be serious? You only want me to change one little thing??
For those who are old enough to remember the silly movie Flying High (or Aeroplane ) from the 80's Click here for the Surely you can't be serious clip.

Summer has arrived in Sydney and we are in the midst of the "silly season".
It's that time of the year when we:
work hard to finish things,
pause to see what we have accomplished,
congratulate our team on their accomplishments, celebrate some key moments
dream of holidays,
start to plan for the year ahead,
eat fresh mangos and cherries,
feel the sand between our toes,
and go to lots of parties.
This summer we will also be saving water, and praying for rain.
Before you fully switch into holiday mode, I wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you for your support over the past year.
So what's the New Year challenge?
This year I challenge you to think of the ONE MISSING PIECE, from the way you behave in your life or your work.
Why only one thing??
Regular readers know that long term sustained change is difficult and sometimes we only have the time or brain space to make an incremental little change in one thing. As you start to do this new thing, notice the bigger impact it starts to have over time.
How will I know what to change?
Anyone who is serious about making change gets feedback.
How many people will you ask?
What specific questions will you ask them?
Who has the expertise and the exposure to answer the questions accurately?
Do you value expertise (competence) over character (honesty) when you build trust with people?
Kim Malone Scott, favourite question is: "Is there anything I could do or stop doing that would make it easier to work with me? "
Tasha Eurich reminds her readers, to listen to feedback, take a pause reflect and then respond later.
“it takes endure the sharp pains of self-discovery rather than choose…the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives.”
If you are interested in feedback please the take a look at the following resources:
Work and Life with Stew Friedman Ep 58. Kim Malone Scott: Radical Candor
A TED Original Podcast: Adam Grant: How to trust people you don't like
A TED Original Podcast: Adam Grant: How to love criticism
Tasha Eurich, (2017) Insight: Why We're Not as Self-Aware as We Think, and How Seeing Ourselves Clearly Helps Us Succeed at Work and in Life Chapter 7: feedback What Are People Saying About You When You Leave the Room?
But this blog was only meant to be about one thing?
So maybe that one thing will be to learn more about feedback..... or not...
Click here if you want me to keep you accountable, I am working intermittently until mid January.