"Somehow you come along
Just like a flower poking through the sidewalk crack
And just like that
You steal away the rain
And just like that
You make me smile like the sun"
Smile by Uncle Krakcer (click here for the song)

Personal photo
“It’s always a challenge when the world throws a curve ball. The last few weeks have been intense. I needed to support my team emotionally and focus on stakeholder collaboration, not duplication. At the same time, we could not forget our ultimate purpose and plan how we would achieve our strategic objectives in 2024. It’s a bit warped that I have been preparing for this stressful time but I’m grateful that I have"
Coaching client
Regular readers would know that Movember is all about men’s physical and psychological health. It’s a yearly reminder to head off to the GP for a check-up, and to remind your friends family and colleagues to do the same.
For more information on Movember click here for my 2022 blog. Throughout the past year, it has been truly heartwarming to witness the impact that embracing the Movember message has had on my clients, friends, and family, in terms of their physical and mental well-being.
Please email me and tell me how you have improved your physical and emotional well-being in the last year.