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Movember Starts Next Week, How Are You Going To Improve Mens Health?

Tamar Balkin

“Send someone to love me

I need to rest in arms

Keep me safe from harm

In pouring rain

Give me endless summer

Lord, I fear the cold

Feel I'm getting old

Before my time

As my soul heals the shame

I will grow through this pain

Lord, I'm doing all I can

To be a better man”

Better Man by Robbie Williams, (click here for the song)

CLICK HERE FOR THE MOVEMBER VIDEO SO YOU CAN "KNOW THY NUTS." (Sadly 70% of men have never or rarely perform a testicular cancer self-exam)


Regular readers would know that for both physical and psychological illnesses: • Prevention is better than cure and; • Early intervention leads to improved diagnosis and treatment


"Men will die on average 4.5 years earlier than women, and for reasons that are largely preventable.

Which means that it doesn’t have to be that way: we can all take action to live healthier, happier and longer lives"

Movember website


Without a healthy body we cannot expect our minds to work at full capacity.

  • There are many treatable physical illnesses that impact our mind, our mood and our behaviour. (click here for my blog on physical health)

  • Exercise benefits our brain, mood, emotional regulation and general health. (click here and here for my blogs on the benefits of exercise)

  • Regular simple healthy habits, like eating lunch away from your desk can improve your wellbeing (click here for my blog on eating lunch) .


“I think it’s ridiculous that we live in a country where we have seven of the world’s most deadliest snakes, we have drop bears, we have jellyfish and blistering UV rays but the thing that kills us more than anything else is ourselves. Suicide, and mental health in general is a huge issue, and for a long time it has been something you just don’t talk about."

Sebastian Robertson


What can you do?

In your personal life:

Look after yourself Make an appointment to see your Doctor (GP) today for your annual check-up, ensure you discuss the Movember big 3’s

  • Mental health and suicide prevention,

  • Prostate cancer and

  • Testicular cancer

Get referrals to the appropriate specialists. Tell others about the proactive steps you are taking in regards to your physical and psychological health. Encourage and support your family friends, staff, colleagues and peers to do the same. If you do not have a regular Doctor, now is an excellent time to find one.

In the workplace:

Encourage your staff, colleagues and peers to go to the Doctor for a check up. Talk to people you haven’t spoken to for a while and see how they are. Get to know people at work so that you actually notice a change in their behaviour. Notice a change in someone's behaviour and encourage them to get help. (click here for my blog on the common signs) Follow up on someone you have already spoken to Take active steps to reduce the stigma of mental health at work. Reduce the fear of seeking medical treatment. Create a psychologically safe and healthy workplace. Click here for the Movember website, you will find educational videos, and other workplace awareness raising initiatives. As always it is essential to continually enhance your self awareness, emotional intelligence and leadership capability so that you can increase the likelihood of creating a psychologically safe and healthy workplace.



What are you going to do?

So just hit reply and tell me what are you going to do to improve mens physical and psychological health?

Final thoughts

Robbie Williams wrote the song Better Man in the South of France while struggling with loneliness and depression. As he rose to fame, While he was also dealing with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and body image issues. To raise awareness, reduce stigma he speaks publicly about his mental illness, the power of social support and need for professional treatment.

Thank you to my son for reminding me that Movember is fast approaching.


References: More available on request


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