Personal photo of elephant
Regular readers would be aware that we are better at appropriately deliberating about a difficult situation when we are in a calm emotional state. Therefore, I went down to Circular Quay to show you one of the most magnificent views in Sydney, to record this blog.
I am mindful that the harbour was a bit noisy, so please here is an outline of the content. The question I pose for you today is why do we shy away from difficult topics? There are multitude of reasons ranging from: Too awkward We forget Too overwhelmed Too shy Too confronting Too sensitive Too superficial Too simple Too ignorant Too busy Too trivial To onerous Too political Not safe Not my role Not my place. But what are these issues, what are these ‘elephants’ in the room that are not being discussed in our workplaces? Job security Poor boundaries Psychological safely Annual leave Poor performance Excellent performance Mental health The competition Conflict Incivility Poor job design Inadequate leadership Budgets and forecasts Allocation of work Recognition Customer complaints Customer praise Lack of feedback Excessive job demands However, when we ignore the “elephant in the room”, it becomes apparent, to paraphrase the eloquent words of Hugh Mackay, we have allowed our priorities to be out of sync with our values.
So please send me an email and tell me what is the elephant in your workplace and why are you avoiding it?
References: more are available on request